Without a single reliable PowerWritings review outside the website and a measly first-time customer discount of 5%, this company raised multiple red flags long before I took a closer look. For one, there is no real information about Power Writings. I couldn’t find their founding date or an office address. There are a phone number and an email, as well as a live chat option, but no way to learn whether the company is based in the US, China, India, or Cyprus. With so little data to go on, it was hard to convince myself to place the order. Is Power Writings legit? Read on to learn my answer.

- First-time customers get 5% off the first orders with a promo code
- Preferred writer option available to returning customers
- Writers ignore instructions and don’t put any real effort into essays
- Customer support agents can be too pushy without being very helpful
- Zero powerwritings.com reviews on Trustpilot, SiteJabber, and Reddit
Power Writings Services
Unlike many custom writing companies, powerwritings.com focuses solely on student-centric services. Whether you are a high schooler, a college student, or a post-grad, you can rely on them to produce essays, research papers, case studies, theses, and more. However, there is always an option to choose “Other” in the drop-down menu. The site offers help with any subject, from Accounting to Zoology, and everything in between. If you need something extra, you can order a plagiarism report or an abstract page to go with your assignment.
Prices and Discounts
The rates seem affordable at first glance. The cheapest option is only $10 per page (275 words), but it applies to high school level writing and a 14-day deadline. The moment you change any of the parameters, the price skyrockets. A 3-page college essay on a 7-day deadline cost me $66 because I wanted a native speaker to work on it. An advanced writer would have made my order a little cheaper.
On the plus side, the company offered a 5% discount for this order with the promo code POWER5. I feel like the offer for new customers could have been better.
Papers Quality
Despite the gushing Power Writings reviews on the homepage, my paper was hardly worth the praise. The writer ignored half of my instructions and did not put too much effort into research. The result was a poorly structured essay with no thesis and weak unrelated arguments. The conclusion was a joke. I had no time to rewrite the piece and barely got a C- from my professor. I doubt she will be as lenient if I submit another essay of this quality.
Customer Support
I used the live chat to learn more about the company before placing the order. The support agent answered fast, though they pushed me towards the payment more often than not. At times like these, I wish they had a chatbot. At least, I would get the answers I needed before being redirected to the order form. I might seem dramatic, but I tire of pushy customer support agents quickly, especially if they don’t even try to help me before squeezing me dry.
No number of positive PowerWritings reviews can outshine the gritty truths of Money-Back and Revision Policies. As far as I can tell, there’s no chance you will get a full refund unless your paper is plagiarized, and you can provide links to the sources that were used without citation. In most cases, you have to rely on the discretion of the support team to determine the sum of the refund. Besides, you can only request your money back after at least two rounds of revisions (one revision for orders on a 48-hours deadline or shorter).
Is Power Writings reliable? If everything you need is a paper to submit, and you don’t care about the grade you get, this is the right company for you. As you’ve gathered from my Power Writings review, the website is far from perfect. There are a handful of other companies that come to mind that can produce better essays and offer lower rates. I do not recommend Power Writings if you want the best value for money.